The story of ClearShield began in 1981, when Stephen and Karen Byers investigated the market potential for low maintenance glass. They subsequently acquired rights to new technology for glass surface protection. Extensive research and improvements to the original formula followed, and the technology was branded 'ClearShield'. After several years of successful experience under harsh marine conditions, ClearShield was introduced for use on glass on commercial and industrial buildings.
In 1983, Ritec was formed, and for over 25 years, the company gradually developed the market for glass surface protection in the flat glass industry, effectively leading the industry and gaining immense field experience with its high quality technology, the ClearShield System. Ritec’s commitment to product development and innovation has seen the introduction of specialist formulations of ClearShield for different types of glass, applied either in the factory onto new glass or onsite on glass already installed.
Ritec's ClearShield System has gained wide recognition and acceptance in the processing of glass as the industry and end-users of glass have become increasingly aware of the need to protect glass so that it keeps its promise of clarity, visibility and cleanliness over time.
In 1999, ClearShield Glass Technology - Lebanon was certified by Ritec, that it has met all the necessary requirements and has been appointed as a licensed applicator for ClearShield. ClearShield Glass Technology - Lebanon is a sister company of Damah Engineering & Contracting. Its chairman is Akram Damah, its managing director is Dani Damah. It has been expanding in Lebanon, Jordan and KSA and to more Arab countries in the future.
Today, hundreds of glass processors and fabricators worldwide enjoy the benefits of the ClearShield Eco-System in a wide range of applications, including architectural, decorative, shower, marine and residential glass. Its performance is well recognized by the industry worldwide, with proven results based not only on laboratory tests, but more importantly on many years of experience.